All provided information to guests of this website and information provided to clients/buyers is subject to this agreement. Any individual that uses the information provided on this site and/or purchased goods from agrees to the following:
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability of any damage that the buyer may encounter to their personal vehicle. This includes items sold by the site owner, suggested items for purchase and/or tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability of any damage a buyer may encounter to private or public property. This includes items sold by the seller, suggested items for purchase and/or tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability of any current or future voided warrantees a buyer may encounter. This includes items sold by the seller, suggested items for purchase and/or tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability of any liability regarding federal, state or local emissions testing failures or faults. This includes items sold by the seller, suggested items for purchase and/or tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability of any personal injury or death from the use of the kit. This includes items sold by the site owner, suggested items for purchase and/or tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability for CEL (Check Engine Light) codes that may follow the use of this product. This includes items sold by the site owner, suggested items for purchase and/or within tutorials provided.
- Absolve the site owner and seller of legal liability regarding local, state and/or federal laws that prohibit automotive modifications. This includes items sold by the site owner, suggested items for purchase and/or within tutorials provided.
By using the free information provided and/or purchasing available products from this site, you agree to these legal terms.